
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Russian TV Links Modern Warfare 2 To Russian Massacre

In the report, RT points out that the American made video game has earned more than $1 billion in sales worldwide and than you don't have to own the game to see the No Russian mission, you can also watch it on YouTube.

Walid Phares, Director of Future Terrorism Project at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, tells the news channel that terrorists may even use the game for training.

"Indeed it is a trouble to look at the game and reality," he said. "The issue is we need to know if terrorists or extremists are using these videos or DVDs or games to basically apply the model.

"I think those who have been radicalized already – that is supposed in this case jihadists, Al-Qaeda or other kind – they look at the games and say these games will serve them to train,"

Media critic Danny Schechter adds that some video games can influence people.

In the No Russian level, players take on the role of Joseph Allen, who has infiltrated a terrorist group as Alexei Borodin. Borodin and the terrorist group he has infiltrated enter the Zakhaev International Airport and begin to gun down civilians.

Taken From Kotaku

The New York Times,


  1. Thinking video games influence people to do this stuff is dumb. They should be looking for these peoples parents and asking them what happened!

  2. LOL, i remember how GTA got banned because it influences violence..

  3. I dunno man... going into an airport and gunnin people down doesnt seem to be something impossible to come up with without seeing it in a videogame before hand.... videogames influence my butt. that is all. >:3

  4. I didn't really care for the level.

    Then again I don't really like call of duty.

  5. I really don't see the reason to kill other people online all day long, but maybe it's just me.

    by the way, my blog :)

  6. I remember when I did the campaign for the game and on this level, I just went WTF

  7. following and supporting

  8. they are always trying to link something to video games, stupid people.

  9. For some reason, people always want to have something to blame for all things wrong with the world. Video games are just a modern example.

  10. Are emotional appeals banned in video games now? It was gruesome but it served the purpose of eliciting an emotional response and is by definition art. And wow was that a breathtaking moment. One of the best hooks in a videogame I've seen yet.

  11. we should not have anything that could possibly influence anyone because some bad stuff could happen. let's ban religion.


  13. Because I played video games my whole life and never shot anyone along with the rest of the population except for these few cases.

  14. I knew this would be happening and still its just a hate action against gaming.

  15. I think the idea of terrorists using these games for training is kinda stupid, I mean, don't they have training camps for things like that?

  16. The differences in "No Russian" and the terrorist massacre are as numerous as the similarities, but you won't find yellow rags or today's politicians admitting that when they can instead go on a video game witch hunt.

  17. Games desensitize people sure but, so does everything. Would we be who we are if we hadn't watched any of the movies we have? Listened to any of the music? Played any of the games? I hate it when people blame things on things instead of the people.

  18. i never get tired of killing nazis. i don't think games desensitize people at all hehe. The airport scene on cod is just stupid. Van sin mascaras, el aeropuerto esta lleno de camaras y al final culpan a EE.UU. no tiene sentido si tenian fichado al ruso ese.

  19. I can see the connection but I really don't think there is any meat on this
